Commvault Social Media Newsroom

Taking a bold stance on cyber resilience through social content
With a major brand re-positioning and product launch in 2023, Commvault’s social media strategy and content was also in need of a refresh. Social was recognized as one of the most powerful levers to tell the Commvault story. A refreshed social playbook and an ongoing social content newsroom would help reset brand perception, raise awareness of Commvault’s newest offerings, and cement the brand as the leading authority on modern data protection.

You’ve been able to do in 6 months what no one has been able to do in 27 years at Commvault, and that is make it cool and wanted.
Commvault Head of Sales
JMS kicked off bi-monthly content cycles to concept, design, and produce social content to support Commvault’s ongoing initiatives and new positioning. Concepting content around new product launches, resources, events, thought leadership, customer stories and more, JMS produced a wide variety of formats including video cutdowns, animations, audiograms, carousels, and illustrations.
Monthly reporting allowed for ongoing content optimization and tracking progress vs KPIs.

Every time I see people’s LinkedIns I just smile ear to ear, as the posts and graphics are so professional, engaging, and bold for CVLT. A content marketing machine on fire.
Anna Griffin
Chief Marketing Officer, Commvault